When I was in second grade, I made my First Communion.  Back then it was a BIG deal … the whole class practiced processing in, genuflecting in unison (bending one knee to the ground in reverence), learning songs, prayers, what communion means… and of course, my favorite – my pretty mini-wedding dress and veil.

For some reason, one line in the prayer for after receiving communion has stuck in my head all these years.  “…one drop of blood would have been enough to wash away the sins of the whole world.”  I just have one question … is that true?

It is true that the Blood of Jesus is indeed Precious.  Jesus shed His first drops of blood eight days after He was born when Joseph and Mary took Him to be circumcised.  Wouldn’t that have been enough?  Shouldn’t that have been enough?  Obviously not, or He wouldn’t have stayed here on earth … in a body that got tired, felt pain, got hungry, and had to put up with all of us… for 33 more years! 

Jesus shed a lot more than a few drops of blood for us.  Starting in the Garden of Gethsemane, while praying earnestly to His Father for “another way”, He even sweat blood.  He knew what was coming … and why … and He chose to go forward anyway… for us. 

And that was only the beginning!  He was beaten by the soldiers, and then whipped … viciously.  He lost a lot of blood there.  And why?  Isaiah 53:5 (ESV) says “and with his stripes we are healed.”  The New Living Translation says even clearer,He was whipped so we could be healed.”  He wanted more for us than just saving us from hell.  He wanted … wants … us healed and whole! 

To add insult to injury, the soldiers mocked Him and made Him a crown of thorns… long, sharp thorns… that they pushed onto His head, shedding more blood. 

Then He was nailed to a wooden cross, hanging there in agony for about 6 hours, and finally pierced again … in His side … with a Roman spear … and more blood – this time mixed with water – poured out.  I mean, how much blood is enough!

I think that is the point.  It is not how much blood that Jesus spilt on our behalf.  It is the why.  Jesus was not concerned with how much is enough.  He was willing to give all – for us.  He is not the God of just enough.  He gave everything.  He is the God of enough!  He is enough for whatever we need.  He is El-Shaddai, the All-Sufficient, Always Enough, God! 

And He’s not done being Enough.  What need do you have?  What need does the world have?  Lots of them!  Is He only Enough for the BIG, important needs?

I’ve heard people talk about not taking something “little” to Jesus because there are bigger, more important, more critical needs everywhere.  That is true, but He is enough for even our “little” issues.  

So, do you pray for someone who has cancer, but feel silly praying about a headache? 

Can you take your need for financial help to the Lord… when there are people making only pennies a day?  Shouldn’t you be able to survive on much more than that? 

Can you ask God to help you lose weight and eat healthier, when there are people starving all around the world… happy to have one meal a day!  Yes!  It is most definitely a good idea to be thankful for all the blessings we have … even critical!  We must cultivate an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. 

And it is important to bring the needs of the nation and the world before His Throne.  But we can still take our “seemingly small” issues to our Heavenly Father, too – and He’s happy when we do.  Holy Spirit delights in showing us truth … in our circumstances … in our priorities … in helping us identify needs and wants.  And that doesn’t mean He doesn’t bless us with extra … with “wants” sometimes.  He loves to bless us.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you that You are Sufficient.
You are enough to meet the needs
Of the whole world.
I can’t imagine that big…
or that loving.
So today, Lord,
I bring to you the needs of this world,
this nation, and my family.
First of all, that we would know You
And follow You.
That Your Kingdom would come to earth
Just like it is in heaven.
That Your love would transform our hearts,
Because Your Word tells us that
Love conquers Evil.
And again,
Your Love is Sufficient!

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